
Re-create Archimedes’ Principle by using simple method. Students will learn the story and history of how Archimedes came to understand and create the Buoyancy test.

Materials Needed

• 1 spring balance
• 1 heavy object
(about 500 g)
• water
• 1000 ml beaker
• 500 ml beaker
• scale to measure displaced water



2 hours


group classroom activity

Part One

Click on the arrows to the right to toggle the next set of directions. When finished, click the next step of the directions.

            Ensign Step 1

Read the history and background science information for this activity. Organize your work station to start step one of the buoyancy test.

            Lieutenant Junior Grade Step 2

Attach the weight to your spring balance. Measure the weight of the object. Record the weight.

            Lieutenant Step 3

Fill up your 1000ml Beaker with water.

             Lieutenant Commander Step 4

Immerse the weight into the beaker using the spring balance. Notice the water and the weight of the object. Discuss your findings.

             Commander Step 5

Calculate the Apparent weight of the object. Find the loss in weight. Record your findings. Get ready for Part 2!

Part Two

Click on the arrows to the right to toggle the next set of directions. When finished, click the next step of the directions.

            Ensign Step 1

Take the calculations from Part 1 to measure the water displacement of the weighted object. This will show what Archimedes meant by saying “upward force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it”.

            Lieutenant Junior Grade Step 2

With the object still attached to the spring scale, take the empty beaker and place it to the side.

            Lieutenant Step 3

Tilt the larger beaker towards the small beaker.

             Lieutenant Commander Step 4

Take your spring scale with the weighted object attached and submerse it into the water until the entire object is covered. As water drips out the beaker try your best to collect all of the water into the smaller beaker.

             Commander Step 5

Once the object is fully immersed and all of the water is displaced, remove the object and set it aside. Using your scale, measure the amount of displaced liquid from the small beaker. Using those calculations measure the weight of the water and compare it with the weight of the upward force. Record your findings. Are they the same? Discuss with your classmates.